
Regional Hazardous Mitigation Plan Update Survey

Beaufort County, Carteret County, Craven County, Pamlico County, and their incorporated communities are updating the Pamlico Sound Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan. Local governments are required to prepare and update hazard mitigation plans to be eligible for FEMA hazard mitigation assistance grants.

Public input is critical to the planning process. Please take a few minutes to complete a brief public survey to provide your input on hazard risks and mitigation options. Click here for the survey.

For more information about the plan update, visit the project website at On this site you will find information about upcoming and past Hazard Mitigation Planning Committee meetings and public meetings, a link for the public survey, draft documents, and other mitigation planning resources.

Town Hall: (252)393-7898 | 427 Sherwood Ave, Cedar Point, NC 28584 |