Yard Debris - 4th Quadrant
Please note the following guidelines for vegetative debris pickup:
This is for yard waste only: grass clippings, mulch, leaves, and other vegetative materials such as plants, shrubs, small tree limbs and branches (not longer than 6 feet). Large trees or tree trunks should not be placed curbside for pickup, even if they are cut down to a smaller size or diameter.
Please do not bag any vegetative debris; place it in piles at the curbside by 7:00 AM. Staff will make one pass down each street in the respective Quadrant.
Should you have any questions or need additional information, please visit www.cedarpointnc.org/yarddebris
(This service is provided to residents within the town limits and does not include the ETJ.)
Quadrant 4 includes:
Ash Street, Bell Street, Bluff Road, Buds Lane, Capn Deck Lane, Cedar Lane, Cedar Point Boulevard (106-917), Cedardeen Court, Dolphin Bay Estates, Dora Court, Emma Court, Fir Street, Flippers Cove Drive, Franklin Court, Hazel Willis Lane, Herring Lane, Hill Street, Inlet Lane, Intracoastal Court, Mary Catherine Court, Odum Street, Orca Way, Palmetto Drive, Tammy Paige Court, Waterway Drive, and Woody Street.